Our Story
We understand traditional restoration and renovation techniques for historical buildings.

An interior designer with many years experience in both Africa and the UK, she advises our Clients mainly on Kitchens, bathrooms, colours and fabrics.

Geoffrey, the founder and managing director of WCR has built a successful, thriving business over the past twenty plus years through the use of a committed workforce and careful financial strategy.
Our Method
Our success is down to our builders’ exceptional skills and work ethic, combined with effective project management backed up by efficient Head Office staff.
We have a wealth of knowledge and an extensive stable of reliable suppliers and specialist sub-contractors, whom we know and trust to deliver the best quality and price.
Our Team
West Country Renovations started in 2004 and has expanded steadily every year. We currently employ 40 full-time tradesmen including masons, tilers, carpenters, roofers, lead workers, plasterers and decorators, on 4 to 6 projects at any one time.
Our success is down to our Polish builders’ exceptional skills and work ethic, combined with effective project management backed up by efficient Head Office staff. We have a wealth of knowledge and an extensive stable of reliable suppliers and specialist sub-contractors, whom we know and trust to deliver the best quality and price.
Open Book - Cost Plus
The first question we are normally asked is if we can quote for a potential job as most people want to know if their building works fit their budget. We do not do quoted work because we do not believe quotes and competitive tenders produce the price certainty the client needs to budget their works accurately.
Instead we estimate the works, relying on our experience to predict the cost effects of the probable unforeseen changes and extras. We then operate a Cost Plus valuation model which we have developed and tailored to our business and employ as standard for all contracts.
The system is entirely transparent and very detailed but quick and easy to read and understand. By updating the budget with each valuation we ensure that our client’s works and budgets remain aligned with no unexpected ‘extras’ bill on completion.
We charge a 15% margin that covers our fixed overheads and profit. We maintain that you cannot improve on an Open Book cost if you use good, hard working builders, managed efficiently, and supplied with well sourced materials.
It also enables works to start quickly without the costs and delays incurred in tendering. Thanks to our excellent credit references, reputation and long-standing accounts with suppliers, we source all our materials and subcontractors at very competitive rates. We pass on 100% of the savings we achieve direct to our clients, along with a hard copy of every receipt and invoice.